Kathleen Rooney was born in 1980. Educated at the George Washington University and Pembroke College, Oxford, she is an MFA candidate in poetry and a writing instructor at Emerson College, where she is the editor in chief of Redivider. A recipient of the Ruth Lilly Fellowship in 2003 from Poetry magazine, her poems have appeared recently or are forthcoming in Sow's Ear, Ilya's Honey, GSU Review, Poet Lore, GW Review and America. Her criticism has appeared in The Nation, and Provincetown Arts, and her reviews appear regularly in Harvard Review and Boston Review. Reading With Oprah: the Book Club That Changed America is her first book.

All My Pretty Selves

After Confession: Poetry as Autobiography edited by Kate Sontag and David Graham. Graywolf Press, 2001.

As Reviewed By: Kathleen Rooney

If you have any interest in confessionalism as a mode of artistic expression, and you haven’t visited the blog Post Secret, “an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard,” then it’s high time you did.… continue reading...