Maria Johnston studied English Literature and Music at Trinity College, Dublin and is now a doctoral student in the English Department there. Her reviews have appeared in Metre and Poetry Ireland. Forthcoming essays will appear ‘After Thirty Falls’: New Essays on John Berryman, edited by Philip Coleman and Philip McGowan (Rodopi, 2007) and "Continuings": A Celebration of the Life and Work of Brian Coffey (Irish Academic Press, 2007).

Re-Collecting MacNeice

Collected Poems of Louis MacNeice edited by Peter McDonald. Faber and Faber, 2007. 836 pages.

As Reviewed By: Maria Johnston

In a note on Louis MacNeice’s poetry penned in 1964, Louise Bogan observed that, “the Collected Poems 1925-1948 should, although not so arranged, be read in chronological order, for it is an added pleasure to watch the opening out of a true lyric gift, and of one so clearly illustrative of the subtle shifts and adjustments that have occurred within English poetic tradition during this century.”… continue reading...

This is the Life of the Mind

As Reviewed By: Maria Johnston

The Sea Cabinet by Caitríona O’ Reilly. Bloodaxe, £7.95, 61 pp.

I am rereading Moby Dick in preparation for the exam deluge tomorrow-am whelmed and wondrous at the swimming Biblical & craggy Shakespearean cadences, the rich & lustrous & fragrant recreation of spermaceti, ambergris-miracle, marvel, the ton-thunderous leviathan.

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